(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 24, 2022 )
by long time HR Exec Charles Argenbright and the Professional Employer Organization PEO
Turnover is very high and a result of that is the SUTA rate increase.
State unemployment taxes. It can be as low as about .20 cents per 100 dollars of payroll and that is collected in this state on just the first $ 7000. Of earned income. Then caps and starts over every Jan 1.
A new business may start at $ 2.70. At 2.70 then 189.00 a year on each employee. At 5.40 employers pay $ 378.00.
With a staff of 35 employees may have turnover sending out 80 W-2½s at the year end. That is over $ 30,000 in unemployment taxes¦ A PEO fights for the owner. Also, with a PEO you fall under their rate.
Many restaurants have people just leave and not even pick up their last check. Most just tear the checkup. But it is supposed to be sent to the state. If the employee demands, it a year or two later then the owner has an issue with taxes.
Workers’ comp is always an issue with restaurants with small claims all the time. Cut fingers, burns and slipping on wet floors. Most have increases on their mod rate. They call that a Ã�¢ consent to rate and increase the multiplier. A 1.0 mod rate means you pay the state rate. A 1.75 mod rate means paying 175 % of he state rate. A PEO can usually get that reduced back to a 1.0 mod.
There is also the FICA Tip Credit. Many owners don’t apply for this and some don’t know about it.
The FICA tip credit gives some relief to employers who pay FICA taxes on tip income that was paid to their employees by someone else. The credit reduces the federal income tax of the employer by an amount based on the employers share of FICA taxes paid on a portion-reported tips.
We see restaurant managers fire servers for being slow and cooks for complaints and then when they do get taken to task, they have no written policies, no handbook, no acknowledge form signed by the employee, s are almost always completed incorrectly. If OSHA comes in because of an injury they always go through those things, the posters, safety manuals, etc.
Another issue is most have no benefits. That is a whole different can of worms. Supplementals cost the employer nothing and those are well liked by the staff. Most are part time and can still get them.
Graduated from Florida State University (Go Seminoles)!
Entered HR World of co-employment in approx 94. Worked with 100’s of co around the country in many industries.
Worked with business owners money on their Labor Costs, Unemployment Taxes, Workers Compensation and Service Fees.
Some companies their needs are more about HR Support, Compliance or Affordable Benefits, also things that we supply.
Many business owners look for gaps in their coverage and time to focus on their business NOT HR nonproducing revenue.
Contact by phone or text: Mr Charles Argenbright to assess company or organization needs at 386-299-9066.
Contact [email protected] to analyze the gaps in employee mgt.